the Vesara Style of Architecture simple a confluence of Nagara style and Dravida style

The Vesara style also called the Chalukyan type possessed the Dravidian vimana and the Nagara-
type faceted walls.
Influence of Nagara tradition

 The plan of shrine, subsidiary shrine, panchayatan style bears similarity to Nagara School.
 The plan of vestibule joining the sanctum to mantapa bears resemblance to orissan temples.
 The most of the temple pillars in Karnataka region bears similarity to sekhari and bhumija type of
pillars in northern India.
 The stepped diamond plan that is a plan of design arrangement as seen in Chalukya temples is
from northern region.
 The most of the temples in kalyani portrays Nagara articulation projecting stepped diamond or
stellate plan.
Influence of Dravida tradition
The Dravida influence is mainly visible in vimana of the Chalukya temples in first part of the Chalukya
Combination of Nagara and Dravida styleVesara sikhar or kadamba sikhara: It is a shikhara of Chalukya temple showing northern
shikhara shikhara and southern vimana features.
Ornamentation: Miniature decorative towers and ornamentation of walls in Chalukya
temples show combination of both Nagara and Dravida style.
Special departure from Nagara and Dravida tradition

In case of entrance hall to shrine Chalukya temple bears special uniqueness. It has two or more than
two entrances while :-
 There is a small closed mantapa to the shrine in Nagara temples.
 There is an enlarged, open and closed mantapa in Dravida temples.
Own distinctive features
 Ornamentation: In case of ornamentation of temple walls and pillars, Chalukyan temple shows
indigenous quality.
 Transformation of Dravida tower : The Chalukyan builders modified the Dravida towers by minimizing the height of each storey and arranging them in descending order of height from base to top with much ornamentation in each storey.

 Transformation of Nagara tower : Instead of inclined storey here modification is seen in the
vertical shape of the tower.

 Two special features of Chalukya temples – Mantapa and Pillars :

o Mantapa : The mantapa has two types of roof – domical ceilings (the dome like ceilings standing on four pillars are very attractive) or Square ceilings (these are vigorously
ornamented with mythological pictures).

o Pillars : As mentioned earlier, the miniature decorative pillars of Chalukya temples stands with its own artistic value.


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