The sliding Liveability index of Indian cities urgently calls for reforms in urban management especially with the aspect of municipal governance.

Global liveability index is released by The Economist intelligence unit which ranks 140 cities
worldwide based on parameters like Health Care, Education and Employment, infrastructure,
cultures and environment.
From India Delhi and Mumbai respectively occupied 118th and 119th rank in the index.
Reason for depriving livability index in India -
Abuse against journalist - the economist intelligence unit also flag and escalation in abuse against
journalist in recent years in India
Rise in crime rates - decline in Mumbai's rank was due to downgrade in culture score while New
Delhi has fallen in index because of downgrade in its cultures and environment as well as folinz
tablet is going to rising crime rates
Education - in urban cities the dropout rates are increasing day by day which leads to decline in in
education score livability index
Climate change - according to global ambient air quality database Delhi has six highest annual PM
2.5 concentration in the world
Poor functioning of urban local bodies -
 Unplanned City architecture leading to rise in slums in outskirts. Example- Seemapuri in New
 Politicization of ULBs - By subverting the elected representative to state government
bureaucracy. Example Mumbai BMC is capable of handling floods which cause large scale loss of
 Paucity of 3Fs - funds, functionary and functions. This causes infrastructural shortage in cities
like lack of healthcare and sanitation, lack of safe drinking water and ultimately leads to drop in
rating of Mumbai and Delhi.
 Improving infrastructure in Big metro cities example - having Mohalla clinics, functional drinking
water to every house good public transport facilities.
 More power to urban local bodies in terms of funds functions and functionaries.
 Strict implementation of Building Code.
 Modernization of police force to curb rising crime.
 Increasing green cover in the City by promoting rooftop gardening and afforestation along roads.
 Controlling pollution by adopting electrical vehicle and higher standards of fuels such as Bharat
 Making rainwater harvesting system mandatory for new Constructions and public building to
improve groundwater.
 Proper solid waste management system and sewage water treatment plants to control any
valuation of land as well as water bodies.
 Sensitizing population with gender issue, children problems, tolerance to other's ideology and
religion, education, crime as well as various rules and regulations.
Decline in livability rate is a thing of concern as a higher quality index brings more investment and
tourist to the country which is much needed for our dream of 5 trillion economies. Therefore there
is a serious need of improvement in our urban city as most important industrial centers, Education
Centre, Health cents are situated in these areas.


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