On one hand where women Goddesses are worshipped, the very women are denied identity, status and independence in India, discuss the root cause of such a paradox

Women have completely transformed in the modern day, the urban woman especially has
changed from being a mere homemaker to the modern day multitasking woman, handling
responsibilities without fear. She has taken on the world with confidence. However, she still
struggles to create her identity, exercise her independence and have equal status in the society as
her counterpart. Women, be it from urban or rural backgrounds, still face harassment and
humiliation in domestic as well as professional circles. However high they reach in their lives, women
are still made to feel helpless when men mete out unhealthy treatments and behave badly in front
of them.
Following are the causes for such a paradox:
 Patriarchy and gender inequality in society is the main cause of women’s deprivation by way of
health, food and nutrition, more susceptible to mortality and contributing to unbalanced male
female ratio as well as in the sphere of education, employment, wages and that of political
 Women are treated by men only as consumers, sex objects or reproductive machines as a result
of which their status in the family and society has been demoted.
 The patriarchal family system that prevails in India gives more rights and authority to the male
enabling them to enjoy more power over the female in the family.
 Women are considered inferior, secondary individuals to men. So they are suppressed,
oppressed, harassed, subjugated and deprived of even their basic rights till date. Atrocities and
crimes are committed against them by their own family members.
 Managing both the family and job responsibility on the part of the women today are quite tough
and challenging. It is very difficult for them to carry dual responsibilities at home and the
workplace. It creates psycho-socio problems both in the family and professional field; despite
the fact that it provides economic security. Thereby it had done more harm than good for which
women are experiencing stress and frustration in life.
Last but not the least the lack of self-confidence is the main cause of women problem. Women
themselves are willing to aberrant the female sex. They are interested to participate in obscene
picture and advertisement and wearing indecent and provocative clothes. They are quarrelling with
parents for the dowry. They are creating conflict with in-laws instead of co-operating with them.
What needs to be done?
 Ensure the constitutional provisions for women are strictly enforced - The Preamble to the
Constitution of India assures justice, social, economic and political; equality of status and
opportunity and dignity to the individual. Thus it treats both men and women equal,
fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy etc.

Given the long-term nature of issues which impact on women in India, there is a need to
strengthen the processes that promote all-round development of women by focusing on a
coordinated approach for implementation of the schemes of the concerned
Ministries/Departments and by creating an enabling environment conducive to social change.
 The Government of India had adopted the National Policy for Empowerment of Women in 2001
with the objective to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of
women and to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. It was directed towards
achieving inclusive growth with special focus on women.
 India is also a signatory to a number of UN conventions, Primarily Convention on Elimination of
all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Beijing Platform for Action and Convention
on Rights of the Child.
 Various welfare schemes should be at the forefront.
To conclude, there is a need for ushering in changes in the societal attitude towards women and
usher in behavioural changes involving men and boys and institutions of family and women’s
organizations to ensure India women to have equal rights and provisions as men.


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