Discuss in detail the issues and challenges involved in India’s waste Management system also explain in what way India's Smart Cities Mission is creating new opportunities for better management of wastes.

Solid Waste Management refers to the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. It also
includes solutions for recycling items that do not belong to garbage or trash.
Issues and Challenges in India’s waste Management system:
 With rapid urbanization, there is substantial increase in solid waste generation which has
strained the Solid Waste Management System
 Most Urban local bodies in India struggle to provide efficient waste management services due to
financial problems, lack of infrastructure and technology
 Issues with segregation: Though solid waste management rules mandate source segregation of
wastes, it has largely not been followed. Due to improper segregation of waste, much of
recyclability of waste is lost.
 Disposal of waste: Most of the municipal authorities deposit solid waste at open dump sites
without any leachates treatment. These sites emanate foul smell and are breeding grounds for
pests and insects causing disease. Liquid seeping out of waste pollutes groundwater and poses a
serious threat to health and environment. Further, these landfill sites are also responsible for air
 Processing/ recovery from waste: Most of the funds for solid waste management are allotted to
collection and transportation, with very less left for processing or resource recovery and
disposal. Also many waste-to-energy plants are non-operational.
 Waste management sector- Workforce: The waste management sector in India is constituted
primarily of the informal workers who come from the urban poor. The rag pickers, who are
instrumental in waste recycling, are highly vulnerable to health damages owing to poor work
 Apathy on the part of management and also poor community participation is a major constraint
in solid waste management in India.
What needs to be done?
 The key to efficient waste management is to ensure proper segregation of waste at source and
to ensure that the waste goes through different streams of recycling and resource recovery.
 Waste to energy is a key component of SWM. Installation of waste-to-compost and bio-
methanation plants would reduce the load of landfill sites.
 There is a need to encourage research and development so as to reinvent waste management
system in India. The focus should be on recycling and recovering from waste and not landfill.
Further, it is important to encourage recycling of e-waste so that the problem of e-waste
 Public- Private Partnership models for waste management should be encouraged.
How Smart Cities creating new opportunities for better management of waste:
• ULBs are looking to technological innovation to curb rising garbage problems in newly minted
smart cities. Agra – which houses the Taj Mahal plans to install 293,000 garbage containers
tagged with radio frequency identification (RFID). These waste containers will be tracked
throughout the city to ensure they are used to their maximum efficiency
Retrofitting new technologies into existing waste management structures, while using other
technologies to redevise waste mapping systems, will allow for transparent and sustainable
waste management.
• Indian startups producing innovative technologies to help deal with India’s unique urban
It is thus important to remember that the natural beauty is a legacy and a right for future generations and conserving it, as well as our natural resources, for their benefit is our responsibility


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