
Showing posts from July, 2019

Instant Triple Talaq becomes a crime

Triple Talaq bill is named as " The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage )Bill , 2019"  got cleared in the parliament.This will bring uniformity in civil code as hoped by the Government.Though opposition's main objection in this bill was as Triple Talaq was said as a cognizable offense. The bill makes instant triple talaq   in any form — spoken, in writing or by electronic means such as email, SMS and WhatsApp illegal and void, and it will bring with up to three years in jail for the husband.

Chandrayaan Abhiyan -2

India' second mission to Moon is Chandrayaan 2 has launched on 22th July to the path of Moon. Chandrayaan 2 is the most awaited mission of the ISRO.It is a new leap to the achievement of ISRO. The primary objective of Chandrayaan - 2 is to demonstrate the ability to soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface.

What Changes in RTI Act as per 2019 Bill

Term of Office: As per 2005 Act Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and Information Commissioners (ICs) at central and state level shall serve for five years. Now 2019 Bill : Central government will notify the term of the office. Salary : As per 2005 Act : the central level salary of CIC and ICs equivalent to salary of Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners , respectively.At state level , equivalent to salary of Election Commissioners and Chief Secretary , respectively. 2019 Bill : Salaries ,allowances and other terms and conditions of service of central and state CIC and ICs  will be determined by the central government. Deductions : 2005 Act : At the time of appointment , if CIC and ICs (at central and state levels ) are receiving pension or any other retirement benefits for previous government service , their salaries will be reduced by an amount equal to pension.Previous government service includes service under : i) The central ii) State Government , i

Naxalite Movement

The first non congress United Front (UF) government came to power in West Bengal, comprising the CPI, CPM and Bangla Congress . This new government decided to expedite the implementation of land reforms. The then land revenue minister Hare Krishna Konar announced a programme of quick distribution of surplus land among landless and an end to eviction of share croppers. But this process was slow and time consuming because issue of distribution of surplus land went to the court and was under litigation. Therefore, the local leader Charu Majumdar from Naxalbari area of Darjeeling district argued that this democratic process of distribution of land and democracy in India is Sham and decided to adopt a strategy of protracted guerrilla warfare in order to lead a revolution. This Naxalite Movement under Majumdar's leadership used force to snatch land from the rich landowners and to distribute it among the poor and the landless. Its supporters advocated the use of violent means to achieve

What is a Hazard?

The word ‘hazard’ owes its origin to the word ‘hasard’ in old French and ‘az-zahr’ in Arabic meaning ‘chance’ or‘luck’. Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the potential for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment.” Any hazard – flood, earthquake or cyclone along with greater vulnerability (inadequate access to resources, sick and old people, lack of awareness etc.) would lead to disaster causing greater loss to life and property. For example; an earthquake in an uninhabited desert cannot be considered a disaster, no matter how strong the intensities produced. An earthquake is disastrous only when it affects people, their properties and activities. Thus,disaster occurs only when hazards and vulnerability meet. Also, with greater capacity of the individual/community and environment to face these disasters,it reduces the hazard pressures.